World Record Club

World Records Club is a non-political, non-profit secular organization.  It was founded in 2017. The society is based on legitimate rights, equity, justice, honesty, social sensitivity and a culture of service in which all are self-reliant.  This philosophy has been followed by World Records Club.

World Book of Records Club came into being to serve humanity by socio-cultural activities inspired by the philosophy of universal brotherhood and peace with positive thinking. The motto of the club is to serve, motivate and inspire people through his philosophy to humanity.

WBRC invites people across the world to contribute your knowledge, experience, views and reviews concerning his philosophy and values of humanity.

The club invites all those who devote, motivate, and inspire people to contribute humanity irrespective of everything else. The vision and mission of the club are to serve humanity in every respect so as to underline the maxim “Vasudev Kutumbakam”.

The aim of the World Book of Records Club is to motivate and inspire people for adopting values of humanity and universal peace as well to work for spreading the ideas of harmony among the people.

The club that has been established to empower moral and values of humanity by World Book of Records and World Record Publishing Company, UK to promote humanitarian values along with Indian heritage and served the society for betterment in every respect of social, cultural, educational and philanthropic well being.  The club has been achieving its very objectives through conducting social, cultural and educational activities across the country since its inception. It is one of the leading international organizations that work on myriad of activities in social, cultural, educational, Universal peace, environment and green technology to serve humanity at it best.


The vision of the club is to serve humanity through activities and its members' efforts.

In this modern arena the great changes are taking place in the global scenario. The development of the information technology segment is playing a big role in bringing the different person's of the world much closure to each other for their exchange of views for various things. Whole of the life style, social customs, business relations, and education systems are changing in a new way of living.  The club feels to empower all people for making upheaval by making them economically progressive through rigorous efforts

The vision of WRC is to work philanthropic and spread the spirit of team work among its members in general and growth index in particular. People are organizations that work in many different fields, but the term is generally associated with those seeking social transformation and improvements in quality of life. Development of people is the most highly visible sector, and includes both international and local organizations, as well as those working in the humanitarian emergency sector. Many are associated with international aid and voluntary donation, but there are also few that choose not to take funds from donors and try to generate funding in other ways, such as selling handicrafts or charging for services.


The mission of the club is to co-ordinate, activate, motivate and promote welfare activities across the world. Almost all the person's of the different societies are adopting the new changes for keeping their livelihood in accordance. This development factor inspired us to contribute our experience of associating people across the world.  In order to bring persons of the society wherever they may be living in any part of the world to come close to each other for exchanging new thoughts for the welfare and the development of the other people.  Its mission is to help its members to develop and enhance potential and to cater members' needs for smooth functioning with cohesive approach.

The mission WRC is to cater the needs of its members in smooth function through moral, rapid development of people and organizations for restructuring of the welfare state. Many problems could not be solved within a nation. International treaties and international organizations such as the World Trade Organization were centered mainly on the interests of capitalist enterprises. In an attempt to counterbalance this trend, some international clubs have developed to emphasize humanitarian issues.


    • To unit all people providing trans-continental sphere of the world
    • To promote the cause of universal heritage and inspire youth generation
    • To support the cause of social, cultural and activating in spreading universal peace across the world
    • To arrange seminar, workshop, campus for motivating heritage among cosmopolitan community across the world
    • To organize the national and international conference to get better option in addressing universal problems, and convert world of motivating thinking
    • To take up projects/programs on research, publication & documentation on welfare & development
    • To make a strong relationship sharing by their developments & problems
    • To take up the programs of welfare and development in collaboration with individuals and agencies of local national & International Level
    • The main objective of the club is to provide assistance to the weaker section especially in the rural areas to carry out developmental activities in socio-economic education field for the welfare of the society.
    • To do welfare activities for its members including award ceremonies, scholarship programmes and others. To develop awareness of its members through seminars, workshops, symposiums and national/ international conference
    • To develop civil societies for conducting programs for welfare & development of people and emphasizing self employment
    • To initiate the learning of the traditional art and craft through spreading ancient culture and heritage across the world.To provide a vast platform for people , organization and civil societies across the country
    • To take up programs on rural development in various areas like health & sanitation, training & education, awareness generation, rehabilitation of special need, group programs of social defend environment protection & Allied programs care units, dedication centers documentation units & such other center/units for welfare & Development
    • To undertake all such activities that would promote charges and transformation in the society in the area related to health, Environment, Education, Culture and social economic reforms for sustainable uncountable development.

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