Miss Vaani Rawal from Faridabad, Haryana Gets Included in World Book of Records

Little Vaani is the youngest series author with 2 books in a series written at the age of just 10 years and 352 days

"If there's a book that you want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it." — Toni Morrison

The above mentioned quote is often under rated and underestimated, but the one who has undergone the journey by living his words can only be the epitome of inspiration and deserves his/her name to be embossed in golder letters in history. Little Vaani's legendary saga stands true on this quote, who has proved her mettle by writing a series of two books by the age of just 10 years and 352 days. The greatest part of a writer’s time is spent in reading, in order to write; a man will turn over half a library to make one book. Vaani's story is just the opposite and has broken all the predefined benchmarks of a reader turning into writer. She is the trendsetter who has turned heads by not reading first and then writing, but directly jumping into the bandwagon of writing and making her mark. Her first book of the series is titled as 'Kathy's 23 Days of Christmas.'& her second book of the series is titled as 'Kathy's Calling 5 Elements of Christmas.'World Book of Records, London proudly includes her in its kids edition-2022.

Vaani's mother might have the vision of making her a writer, but her rainbow of vision was painted by some different colours and she decided to not let Vaani read many books, as it is often said that you are the sum of 5 people you live with or are surrounded with and your writing is often the sum of the books which you have read. The more you read, your mind will tend to register more words which will ultimately affect your writing voice. Vaani's mother thus redefined her writing journey by enrolling her into dictation writing classes. There were lot of dictations which helped Vaani to form sentences, understand grammar, spell correctly and also to develop her own, pure and unaffected, distilled writing voice, which can be read in her books as well. The result of this dictation classes was that Vaani could write her first book in one and a half months and second book in just 11 days. Her mother credits it to Vaani's unfathomable dedication and her expertise at planning and plotting the book. Now once, Vaani has developed her own writing voice, her mother is slowly introducing her to the world of reading. Vaani is not just limited to books and writing, but she is also a trained kathak dancer and a classical singer as well who has won district level awards. She also loves to play piano and guitar and has won olympiads. Her level of expertise and curiosity doesn't end here. She loves to dab into paintings and adores English as her favourite subject.

Vaani is a song composer as well and has her own Youtube channel by her own name. She wants to become an author and wants to do something well in music too as a career. World Book of Records, London wishes Vaani all the best for her future endeavours. 

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