Master Vaibhav Krishna Konathala From USA Gets Included in World Book of Records

Little Vaibhav has set record for identifying all 50 states of USA by looking at the blank map in a record time of 42 seconds at the tender age of just 5 years and 5 months and 20 days

“All water has a perfect memory and thus forever is trying to get back to where it was.”- Tony Morrison

Time and memory are the true artists which reshape the reality and magnify heart's desire. Memory is like a diary with unlimited blank pages in our mind. The best part is that it doesn't come with any manual on what should be written on the blank pages and that is where the power lies for a human being. Utilising his best of potential and filling those blank pages with knowledge worth things is what can set a person apart. Little Vaibhav's legendary saga is also shining on the similar lines, where he has set a record for identigying all 50 states of USA by looking at the blank map in a recorded time of just 42 seconds at the tender age of just 5 years and 5 months and 20 days. World Book of Records, London is astonished to witness the brilliant memory and includes little Vaibhav in its Kids edition-2022. It all began during lockdown when Vaibhav was just 3 years old and his parents noticed that he was very good at solving jigsaw puzzles and parents began to teach him various country locations on the globe. That's when they realised that he can grasp things faster than other kids and doesn't require repetition for anything. Since then, the parents have never looked back in encouraging him and nursing his curiosity to the best of their abilities.

Currently studying in transitional Kindergarten, Vaibhav absolutely loves going to school and he has been a quick and patient learner. Despite being just a 4 year old kid, he is very self disciplined and used to come back home from school, used to bathe, eat, study and then only he used to go to play. For a child of such tender age, living an automated life without instructions is something noteworthy. This is not it. The sheer fact that Vaibhav loves reading books stamps his genuine interest in books and specifically learning. Vaibhav loves mathematics as subject and dreams of becoming a police officer when he grows up. He wants to drive ground breaking initiatives for community's well being. Vaibhav also loves to play badminton and any ball game, be it football, soccer or basketball, he absolutely relishes the game. He loves games like splendor , junior catan , spot it - which are strategy oriented. The strongest reason of Vaibhav's wide interest is his 9 year old brother who is on toes to teach his little bro. His discipline levels are unbelievable as he sets his screen time timer on Alexa and finishes exactly when the timer beeps.

He has also won accolades for identifying 100 country flags in just 1 minute and 42 seconds. World Book of Records proudly wishes this child prodigy all the best for future endeavours. 

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