Master Aaruush A Puri From New Delhi Gets Included by World Book of Records

Little Aaruush is knowing for counting upto 1000's and can even reverse (both written and verbal) along with additions and subtractions at the tender age of 3 years, 9 months, and 21 days

Mathematics is the poetry of logical ideas. It is often said and heard that if a man's wit is wandering, let him study mathematics. It is often considered the music of reason. One such beyond calculations saga has been built up by little Aaruush of just 3 years, 9 months and 21 days, when he is able to count upto 1000 in both written and verbal and as if this wonder itself is not worth raising eyebrows, little Einstein can also do it in reverse pattern while knowing additions and subtractions at his age. He is also excellent in spellings and recognising most colours and numbers and fruits and veggies etc. World Book of Records, London includes him in its Kids edition-2022.

Aaruush's journey began long back when he was almost a year and that is when his mother introduced the board books to him. Numbers and calculations seem to run in his blood as he has inherited this interest from his mother who is into retail analytics and number crunching is one of her passion which is also her profession too. Since his toddler years, whenever he was shown board books, the books containing numbers always kept him hooked.

The brownie points to his hidden talent were added during the time of lockdown when his mother Aarti got ample amount of time to spend with him under her guidance and that is where she was able to foster his interest. Due to channelising his energies at the right time, Aarush developed a deeper inclination towards numbers. The result was him being able to additions and subtractions by the tender age of just 3.5 years. Now when he is 4 years, the little one is able to do tables of 10 on his own.

On being asked about his academic performance, his mother recalls an incident where at the very first month of school, she was called up by the teacher who said that Aaruush never sits at one place in class and his sitting tolerance is quite low. His mother immediately could understand the reason and explained that whatever basic was taught in the school at nursery class was already known to him and he has a higher level learning power and gets bored with re-learning the same stuff. Due to this he was unable to sit for longer hours. Considering Aarush's brilliance, the school arranged exclusive chess classes for him to nourish his talent and to keep him glued.

In fact the activities which are allotted to Aaruush are also on one step higher side where he is easily able to count the candies faster than his fellow classmates. 

Aaruush also loves to play indoor games and his favourite game is snakes and ladders which again connects back to counting and calculations. He also loves to play table tennis. His brilliance is also been proven at word building and storytelling. He can read and write with lot of ease and he reads his own story books without any assistance from parents. His parents have given him freedom to explore his interests and they just make sure that his day passess with a routined schedule of proper, timely meals, bed time etc and Aarush abides by that.

On being asked, what he wants to become once he grows up, Aaruush expresses two very contrast dreams- one being the astronaut and the other being the artist. Whatever his path would be, World Book of Records, London is assured that this child prodigy will keep the legacy of brilliance alive and wishes him all the best for his future endeavours. 

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