Dr. Sreekanth K. V. Kerala Sheds Light on the Age-Old Conundrum

Unveiling the True Birth Time: A Ground-breaking Study in Astrological Accuracy
In a breakthrough study, Dr. Sreekanth K. V. Kerala, a renowned astrologer, has made a significant contribution to the field of astrology by investigating the accuracy of birth time determination. The study, conducted in a prominent hospital in Kerala, aimed to resolve the long-standing debate surrounding the exact moment of birth. According to ancient astrological scholars, such as Varahamihiran and Parashara Muni, there are three distinct methods for determining birth time. These methods have been passed down through generations, but their validity has never been scientifically tested. Dr. Sreekanth's research sought to bridge this gap by collecting and analyzing birth data from 45 cases.
The study's methodology was meticulous, with birth times recorded down to the exact second. The medical staff collaborated to note two critical moments: when the child's head first became visible and when the umbilical cord was cut. This precise data collection process provided a robust dataset for analysis. Dr. Sreekanth's research revealed that the ruling planets are indeed the Ascendant's and Moon's Sub lord, Sub Sub Lord, and Sub Sub Sub Lord. This groundbreaking finding has significant implications for the field of astrology, providing a more accurate understanding of an individual's birth chart.
The study's results have far-reaching consequences, enabling astrologers to make more precise predictions and providing a better understanding of an individual's life path. Dr. Sreekanth's work has finally resolved the age-old question of determining the exact birth time, paving the way for a new era in astrological research. The research has been hailed as a milestone in astrological studies, with Dr. Sreekanth's dedication and expertise paving the way for future research. His work is a testament to the power of collaboration between ancient wisdom and modern scientific methods. Dr. Sreekanth K. V. study has unveiled the true birth time, providing a significant breakthrough in astrological accuracy. His work will undoubtedly inspire future generations of astrologers and researchers, shedding light on the mysteries of the universe and our place within it.


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