Dr. Robert Mark Brooks, Professional Engineer, Philadelphia (Pennsylvania), United States gets included by World Book of Records

For being the most knowledgeable and learned human in the history of humanity 

Dr. Robert Mark Brooks from Pennsylvania, United States of America gets included by World Book of Records for being the most knowledgeable and learned human in the history of humanity for publishing a research  paper “Removal of Lead from Contaminated Water," being downloaded by 15,413 readers in 1,547 Institutions in 138 countries, published in the International Journal of Soil, Sediment and Water, Volume 3, issue 2, 2010 along with more than 40 national and international research papers on civil engineering materials.

Dr. Robert Brooks is an Emeritus Associate Professor of Civil Engineering at Temple University, Philadelphia, USA. He has been serving the university since 1991.

Our Faculty and Staff | College of Engineering (temple.edu)

He earned the National Outstanding Teaching Award of the American Society for Engineering Education in 2015.

National Outstanding Teaching Award (asee.org)

He earned 68 commendation superlatives from four presidents of the United States of America. Presidents Clinton, Obama, Trump, and Carter wrote the commendation letters. World Book of Records appreciates his initiative and includes him in its Premium Edition 2022.

Dr. Brooks earned his Doctor of Engineering degree from the University of California, Berkeley in 1989.  He earned his Doctor of Philosophy degree in Civil Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur in 1990. He earned his Juris Doctorate degree from North California University School of Law in 2013. Dr. Brooks is a registered Professional Engineer in the State of Pennsylvania. He designed more than one half million highways covering a wide variety of environmental, traffic and loading conditions in the six continents: North America, South America, Africa, Europe, Asia, and Australia.

The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) elected Dr. Brooks as a Life Fellow. As per the ASCE web site, “ASCE Fellows have made celebrated contributions and developed creative solutions that change lives around the world. It is a prestigious honor held by 3% of ASCE members.”

Fellow | ASCE

From 1991 through the next three decades,Dr. Brooks spent more than 10, 000 (ten thousand) hours of Disaster Relief works at American Red Cross service. He trained and ledover thirtystudent and adult teams and provided freedom from the fear of fire to over ten thousandPhiladelphians.He passed over one hundred Red Cross courses on disaster and related subjects.Dr. Brooks was elected as the outstanding volunteer of ARC’s West Virginia one-thousand-yearFloods, National disaster DR No. 894-16. This DR (Disaster Relief) had over 800 volunteers selected at national level.

'Thousand-year' downpour led to deadly West Virginia floods | NOAA Climate.gov

Dr. Brooks recruited over xxxprofessional members for six international professional organizations. These organizations are American Society of Civil Engineers, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, American Societyfor Engineering Education, American Institute of Chemical Engineers, International Society of Bridge and Structural Engineers,…

Link for published paper

Dr. Brooks earned one-year certificates in German and French languages for doing research technical translations at IIT Kharagpur in1982-85.He knows English (31 years of instruction at Temple University), Telugu (Native language and 12 grades of learning), Hindi (10 grades of learning), and Russian (one year certificate for technical translation and paper writing), at various levels.

Dr. Brooks achieved outstanding breadth, depth, variety, and strength over a long period on his numerous certificates in academics, learning, teaching, humanitarian service, and professional experience including valuable practical applications. He has dedicated more than 125,000 (One hundred twenty-five thousand) hours of post-baccalaureate learning, mastering, practicing, and dissemination of knowledge including more than 100,000 (One hundred thousand) post-doctoral hours.


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Note: World Book Of Records, London (UK) appreciates honours and awards from different platforms, promoting motivation among people across the world.