Gold book Africa Continent

Gold book Africa Continent

Africa, particularly Eastern Africa is widely accepted as the place of origin of humans and the Hominidae clade (great apes), meaning that Africa has a long and complex history. Continently, Africa contains 58 countries and shares17.20 population of the world. Afri was a Latin name used to refer to the inhabitants of then-known northern Africa to the west of the Nile River, and in its widest sense referred to all lands south of the Mediterranean (Ancient Libya). The name had usually been connected with the Berber word ifri (plural ifran) meaning "cave", in reference to cave dwellers. More than 50 percent of the world's gold and 95 percent of the world's diamonds come from the mineral-rich continent of Africa.
The Gold Book Africa would contain profiles of personalities who have created an impact on their commitments for the betterment of society for promoting the cause of education, health, environment, human rights, woman empowerment, humanity, business, music, literature, fine arts, entertainment, politics, science & technology and other domains. The editorial Jury would select personalities from Africa continent with showcasing their contribution and dedicated work to serve humanity or innovative thinking made the world progressive in terms of social, cultural, educational, political and technological development of the world.?

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